Sales Health Check
Remove areas of limited visibility, enabling us to observe from a neutral
vantage point, thereby ensuring long-term success.
Health Check Components
Culture Analysis
A review of your company's morale, culture, and motivations. We will assess your cultural value proposition and provide guidance on how to leverage or enhance it.
Sales Statistics Analysis
We will examine the trade data from the past five years to observe how your market has responded and comprehend the direction in which the business is heading.
Strategy Analysis
An assessment of your current sales strategy and a retrospective analysis of its past performance.
Forecast Analysis
We will scrutinise your forecast data and provide guidance on whether it aligns with all other pillars within your organisation.
Team Analysis
An unbiased evaluation of your sales team, encompassing an analysis of figures and trends, along with recommendations for optimising their performance.
Focus & Recommendations
We will provide a thorough review of all the mentioned items, along with additional recommendations for their implementation.